“The Internet of Things (IoT) is the interconnection of
uniquely identifiable embedded computing devices within the existing Internet
Ok, Ok! I understand this is a difficult definition. So what is IoT or Internet of Things? It is simply the network of physical objects accessed through the Internet. A scenario in which physical objects (Coffee Makers, Refrigerators, Cameras, Television, etc.), animals or people are provided with unique identifiers an IP address and capable of transferring data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. This provides communication between multiple devices so that a Refrigerator can inform the user through his Smartphone if it is out of eggs or the compressor is malfunctioning or if the Coffee Maker is out of coffee beans or the car engine is having a problem, every device can talk to each other through IoT.
Some of the devices that are now part of IoT are security systems, thermostats, cars, electronic appliances, lights in the household, alarm clocks, speaker systems, vending machines and more. So, how can it help us? Consider that we have computers that are connected to each device in our house and they gather data from these devices. How easy it will become to track and keep count of everything and we will be able to know in advance if we run out of eggs or before our fruits or veggies get spoiled or that can of mushrooms get expired, even we can know in advance if it’s time to change the engine oil. How comfortable it will be if we reach your house and found the comfortable house with already adjusted temperature and the coffee ready.
Here's the scenario: As you approach the front door of your
house, a remote control built into your key unlocks the door. The door's
wireless radio messages the network, which prompts the hall light to turn on.
The house thermostat, which was lowered after you left for work, returns to a
comfort zone. Hence as defined by Paul Williamson, director of low power
wireless for semiconductor maker CSR: "A true Internet of Things is
coordination between multiple devices."
Every day we see new examples of applications that connect
objects to the internet and each other: from cars connected to traffic lights
that fight congestion, to home appliances connected to smart power grids and
energy metering that allows people to be aware of their electricity consumption
or connected pedestrian footpaths that guide the visually impaired.
For health care IoT can be used as a practical application
in primary and elderly care. Now people can have their blood pressure, body
temperature, and heart rate remotely measured and transmitted it to their
residential community health center saving time and cost of travelling while
improving medical outcomes.
Internet of Thing is not a technology of the Future it is
here today and we are getting surrounded by it. According to Gartner, there will
be nearly 26 billion devices on the Internet of Things by 2020 and by then the
physical world will become one big information system.
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